What do you understand by sustainability?
How do you act to be more sustainable?
What limits you in being more eco-friendly?
What global changes can in your opinion create sustainable societies?
AltTech works with global communities – in Illinois, with the International Centre for Clean Water—to help organizations transition to a green economy. We offer domain-specific green counselling. We help business leaders, CEOs, and CXOs make sustainable choices and build their portfolio of sustainability. Our mission is to help projects realist sharp cuts in CT-e, to reduce operating costs of buildings both in money and energy terms, while bringing water-resilience for the long term.
Our Guides Will Help...
Just your smart phone can help you reach out to us. AltTech Foundation’s Green Guides and Counsellors have created an innovative ecosystem where you as an individual and corporations can learn about sustainability and be savvy at taking climate action.
Sure, you have more questions....
How do our choices affect us our community, and the world? How are human and natural systems interrelated? our common future? In what ways do you depend on others? What are the essential questions of sustainability? What is the biggest obstacle to sustainability?
What can we
do for you?
AltTech is a unique platform dedicated to business leaders and influencers of decisions across organisations; leaders who can advance the cause of efficiency in water- and energy-use. This is a powerful forum for you and your company to share good practices and forge partnerships that can help us, together, to address water challenges -- of scarcity, of quality, of cost, and of disposal.
Our Partners

World Of Water- Action Forum
The World of Water (WoW) Action Forum persuades water users of the City
YOU and I to be part of the solution. With simple choices to
Reusing water
Recalibrating measuring systems.
Reaping the harvest of rains that can be used for 2-3 months a year
Recharging water into the ground
Reducing usage with simple mechanisms.
Working with WoW will help you pick the right solutions, at much better costs.

Fundraising Initiatives
Access to safe water is an absolute necessity for everyone around the world, and taking on the issue of ensuring access to safe water requires worldwide effort.
We know you also envision a better world, where all have access to safe water and living conditions that allow for empowerment and development.
By donating to a foundation whose mission resonates with your values, we can change many lives for the better, together